May 2008
Well, we lived through another long winter. I'm thinking we should go south next year. However we kept busy with renovations on the sixplex in Fort St John (FSJ)... a good winter project. Of course it isn't completed . . . with a building as old as that one there is always something to do. And this winter it served as a hiding place as well. We still have the Mennonite family with us at the farm. They've slowly taken over our house and any open/available space. So, the sixplex was our retreat this winter. When I wasn't working at the Village Office we packed our suitcases and headed to FSJ. Enjoyed all the activities there. It's nice being within walking distance to everything. Another plus was all the activities of the church which we were part of; the coffee times with family and friends at Tim Hortons; entertainment over the dinner table with family, friends. FSJ brings a lot more fun to our lives.
And for Arthur, he is in his glory,with so many more people who are interested in tech things.

In June we have plans to head to the coast to visit with my family.
Arthur's Uncle's oldest daughter Barbara Ann, is one of the oldest survivors of cystic fibrosis. When we were in Saskatchewan several years ago we got reacquainted with her and her husband. She recently started a blog ... you might find it interesting. cfxpressions.blogspot.com Right now she is trying to raise money on May 25th, so if you want to donate just follow the links in her blog.